The Challenge
2015 saw a sharp increase in gruesome animal abuse cases. Cases which mostly remained unsolved due to a lack of evidence and witnesses. How can Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) communicate the severity of animal abuse, and compel people to be more proactive in looking out for and reporting animal abuse cases?
The Insight
Many Singaporeans either don’t know animal abuse is a crime, or don’t think it’s serious enough to warrant calling the police.
The Idea
Working with the Singapore Police Force, we’ll make animal abuse the first crime to have its own 3-digit police hotline. 996.
In doing so, we reinforce the fact that animal abuse is a serious crime. And establish that it’s something that definitely should be reported to the police. Dial 996, and you’ll connect directly to the police unit for animal abuse. After giving your statement, you are then transferred to SPCA to complete your report.
This is the winner (Gold) of the 2015 Creative Circle Awards NexGen Chaellenge.